Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Put a Sock In It

Some things I've done today: laundry, dishes, walked the dog, trimmed the tree (some more), grocery shopped and... folded my lone sock basket.  The basket that sits in the corner of my closet, growing every day.  Judging me, mocking me.  Daring me to try and make a match.  So after a  few months of the kids complaining of a lack of socks to wear I broke down and started to sort.

And you know how many pairs I was able to come up with?  How many socks found their sole mate?

47 Pairs of Socks.

That means there were over 94 solo socks waiting to be matched up.  AND there are still quite a few loners sitting in the bottom of the basket.
I don't know what's worse, hanging onto so many single socks hoping to match them up, or the fact that I waited so long to do it that I was able to come up with 47 pairs.

Procrastination will get you nowhere.

But it will get you alot of matched socks.

1 comment:

  1. So true - and I do the SAME EXACT THING, but I dump my basket in the middle of the floor while all the kids are watching TV and make them MATCH!!! ......also my sister called to tell me the other day, that although we all say things like "well, the washer must have ate them" her case it was TRUE....she has a front loader and between the rubber and the drum she found 6 socks!! How funny!
