Sunday, November 21, 2010


  • sit at the computer and read different entertainment websites;
  • chat on the phone with girlfriends during the day;
  • love laying on my bed for 1/2 hour - 1 hour per day to relax and watch a show on HGTV or TLC;
  • plan my day around "Days of Our Lives";
  • go to the grocery store everyday;
  • get Starbucks every morning and usually one other time throughout the day;
  • think about the projects I wanted to do around the house, but never seemed to complete;
  • try to organize my kids in such a way that pleased me; etc, etc, etc..........
The list goes on and on.  We always seem to evolve and change no matter how old we get.  I'm not saying any of those things are wrong - I took care of the kids, made meals, carpooled, did laundry and dishes.  I loved doing all of that and still do.  If the kids are happy and healthy, it's a no-brainer. 

Now, I look forward to my little job and love coming home to my family.  Hopefully everyone's becoming more independent.  I know I'm more organzized now.  And I feel like I've taken a baby step toward a life when my kids are grown. 

It's a whole new world with lots of "work" drama.  I'm the older, wiser one - which is quite a joke.  The young ones that I work with ask my advice and share way to many things with me.  I smile, dish out very neutral advice and remember a time when I was just like them. 

Glad I am where I am now,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blocked the Kids

It came time in our household to block certain things on the TV.  I have to say, "Love it".

The kids are complaining here and there but I can live with that.  If we think the older boys can watch something that's blocked, we easily unblock it.  Voila.  Easy and simple.

Proud of ourselves,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friends are everything.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good Stuff

I thought I'd never live to see the day that one of my teenage sons told me, "I love going to school.  It's awesome!"  I nearly fell over...and he was serious (in case you're wondering!).

Makes me so happy that we are sending them to the high school that they wanted and now it's up to them to make great memories, have fun and do well.

I need to sit down and enjoy this moment.

Life is good,