Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pet Insurance

It's been a crazy couple of weeks.  We were away for five days last week and got a phone call from the neighbor taking care of our dog.  Casey (the dog) is rarely sick - a little thing here or there and allergies, that's pretty much the extent of it.  She was fine when we left Wednesday afternoon.  By Thursday night she was sick.  My husband and I were playing pool with a bunch of other baseball parents stuck in a hotel while our children played for the State Championship.  Relaxing, drinking and I might add winning every pool game that we played.  Life was good.  Until....the phone call.

Casey is six years old and couldn't urinate.  Five days, two emergency trips to the animal hospital by friends and family, surgery and $3,000 later, our dog is back home with us.  She had 20 stones removed from her bladder.  Apparently this breed is prone to stones but it's unusual for girls.  Of course.  We are seriously thinking of pet insurance.  I have to make some phone calls today:(  Twenty stone doesn't sound like a one time thing as she grows older and her life expectancy is 16-18 years.

You never know,

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad Casey is back home with you and on the mend!! We have been thinking of her and praying for her! Any luck on the pet insurance?
