Monday, April 26, 2010

Forgot Your CVS Card? No Problem!

You know what's really sad?  One of the things I look most forward to when travelling ... is emptying out my wallet.

I have way too many club cards.  Grocery cards, gas station cards, Staples, CVS, bulk stores, sporting goods stores, Hallmark; you name it, I've got their card.
And I've found that they not only add serious bulk to my wallet, but also make it HEAVY.  So when I travel, I empty it out.  Chances are I won't need my Staples card while I'm laying in the sun sipping a mai tai.

So, the other day I am in CVS at the checkout counter and I realize that I never put my beloved club cards  back into my wallet.  No problem, they'll look it up by phone number.  And the story could end there.

BUT, the employee saw me put my iPhone on the counter and said "Are you telling me you don't have the Cardstar App?"  And I'm all, No, tell me about it.  ( I love me a good app !)

Cardstar allows you to save every single club card in this app.  You can select by store or business; type in the number from your upc code and voila! no more carrying that stinky little card around.  It even accepts fitness club, library cards & my Marriott rewards card!  I've read the reviews and people are raving about this app.
And the best part?  It's FREE!!

I spent 30 minutes before bed last night typing all my cards into the Cardstar app on my iPhone. The weight has been lifted!

I can't wait to hit the grocery stores today.  I think being current with technology makes me feel just a little bit younger :)

God, I love technology.

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