Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Their Heeerrreee! @#$%^&*):


My sister called from NY and these persistent little creatures have found a home in her house.  She has four children, 2 boys and 2 girls with long, curly hair.  Yikes. 

If you make it through parenthood without encountering these tiny creatures, consider yourself lucky.  One of my kids had it five years ago and I almost had a nervous breakdown.  Literally! - I had to go on anti-anxiety meds for 10 days.

I feel my sister's pain right now. I'm itchy just thinking about it.

If you follow a list of guidelines and are diligent, hopefully you will do the first treatment and never see another nit.  But you must vacuum until you wear the vacuum out, bag any stuffed animals and comforters (I did for three months - way over the top), check everyone daily for weeks and change sheets daily for anyone who was infested.  It's awful, but my husband kept telling me, "no one is going to die from this."  True, but it may drive you insane!

If you need help, here's one of a thousand websites: http://www.headlice.org/.

Good luck - hopin' you never have to fight the "Lice Fight"!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope this never happens to my boys, it's such a pain!
