Friday, October 15, 2010

Unfreakin' Believable

Sorry, but I have to vent.

Since when can't someone on "The View" state their view without the hosts, who make millions of dollars stating their views every freakin' day, walking off on their guests?  Someone please tell me.  Every day, these women let the world know how they feel about everything.  They preach tolerance and diplomacy and BAM - show their true colors.  I'm tired of some of the hosts, and you know who, setting the bar for all of us to try to live up to.  Please!  You get paid the big bucks to debate.  You don't agree with Bill O'Reilly's views, you knew it before you sat down with him, you knew he would instigate something and yet you let it get out of control.  Congratulations, you made yourselves look like spoiled little girls, which makes us all look bad.

Girls, here's a suggestion (and I'm not pushing my view on anyone): ask a few families who lost their loved ones on 9/11 what they think about a mosque being built a few blocks from Ground Zero.  Maybe that will give you the accurate information you should be striving to seek?  Maybe you should get a hold of some polls that you say you haven't seen?  We don't have time to hear your emotional, preachy views when we're all trying to live our own lives.

Tuned in today to see if there was an apolgy.  Now I'm hoping it happens Monday.  Ladies, are you embarrassed today or are you still angry?  Doesn't matter to me.  I won't be tuning in anymore.  I don't care what your views are!

Thanks for letting me vent,

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