Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time to Do, or Not Do

That's right, it's Lent!  I've got a big ashen cross on my forehead to prove it.

I've learned alot from my kids attending Catholic school (I'm a public school girl-go pubs!), but one of my favorite things is how they approach Lent.  Yes, you should give something up.  Sacrifice & all that.  I didn't need Catholic school to learn that.  (You can thank my stricter than the pope parents for that one.)
The best thing I learned is that in addition to, or possibly in-lieu of, giving something up you can actually DO something.  Probably things you haven't already been doing.  And probably should be something good for yourself or others.  As for me?  Well, I'm not sharing.  I will be both doing and not doing, something.  I guess it's just between me and God.

It's funny how people like to share what they're giving up.  Maybe they want sympathy for their sacrifice?  I don't know about that, but I do know that twitter is all abuzz with people posting what their Lenten plans are (or are not ;) Here's a sampling:

Yes, some people are giving up lent for lent.
Good luck with that,


  1. I have to share that I ONLY do "ONE THING" for the last few is "BE AWARE" other words....I try to be more conscious of all around me and I also think about all my actions. When necessary, I stop unnecessary behavior and I help whenever possible. Hard to explain, but it is so much better than "doing" or "doing without". Works for me!

  2. I don't usually give up anything, I usually try to do something like you mentioned. I try to be more kind, try to go to church more regularly...for me it's a better reminder than giving up candy or cake.

    BTW, I never noticed how big my forehead wrinkles were until those ashes filled in the grooves! Yikes!
