Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Son number 1 (Sophmore) is constantly asking me if a Junior on his soccer team can drive him home after soccer practice.  Son number 2 (Freshman) asked once, I said "no" and he hasn't asked again.  Calm, easy child (for now).  What the hell do I do about the other one?  He is a negotiator and pulls every card out of his hat - "you know him" (the driver), "he's responsible", "his parents are okay with it", "we're coming right home", "don't you trust me?"......

A friend of mine gave me a contract that her parents gave to her brother when he started driving (probably 30 years ago), but it's still good for today, even though so many things in the world have changed.  I'm seriously thinking of coming up with something similar for the boys about getting in a car with a friend.  If they break either contract the punishment will be simple to enforce  because they knew the consequences, right?

Scary times ahead - it's not getting easier as they get older.  Now I worry that one little mistake can hurt or kill them.  It doesn't even have to be their mistake, but they're in the car or driving the car.  Any thoughts as to what I should put in our contract?  I'll ask my friend if I can share some of the "driver's license contract" with everyone.  It will come in handy someday for you too.

Have a good one,

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