We are all trying to do the best we can while raising our children - instill good values and integrity in our offspring, helping them build character, striving to have them do their best at everything they do while being compassionate and sensitive towards others and realizing you may not be given second chances. It's exhausting work and emotional. I always tell my kids that every rule and punishment is for their own good - so that they will be even better parents than us. With that said - my kids love baseball. They love the players and the game. We've discussed a player enhancing their abilities and they are all on board that steriod use is wrong. It's cheating - plain and simple. This week's scandal centering around Mark McGwire brings back into question - should players who have been caught using enhancement performance drugs be allowed to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame (this applies to all other sports)? NO. Athletes listen up - you allowed yourself to do something that put you at an advantage. It was not a fair playing field - you knew you weren't the best or you were so wrapped up in trying to be the best. It should be instant disqualification. You blew it!
My son came home from high school the other day and told us a student was expelled for cheating. No second chances. The student stole a test, tried to sell it to other students, got caught and was gone that day. Kids make mistakes but know when they screw up. It's a shame because the course of that kid's life is different now. Hopefully it will be a life changing and building lesson.

Why do professional athletes get treated differently? We're paying their salaries (basically). I'll take a small guy like Jimmy Rollins any day. He visits sick kids, has a sense of humor and gets out there every game and hussles. He may not have had a great season this year but the fans still love him cause he's Jimmy. How about Derek Jeter? Mr. Dependable! My kids are not big and it does put them at a disadvantage sometimes. My husband's advice to them from day one - you don't have to be the biggest or best - you have to be the most coachable, the kid with the best attitude and strive to be the most consistent.
And when it's not fun anymore, move on (that's me talking).
Well said!