I sat down with my family last night to watch our favorite show, "Survivor". It's one of the few times throughout the week that we all sit in the familyroom, spread out on the couch and relax. At 8:00pm we are watching the opening and listening to the song (we all love it). LaLaLaLaLaaaaaaaaaaaa. Peaceful, joyful bliss. The first group of commercials comes on and we are watching a Walmart Christmas montage - blips of different children hugging a parent on Christmas morning, next -blips of parents picking Christmas presents out for their children. The air is being sucked out of the room - I know it's coming and I'm anxiously waiting for it. My 10 year old sits up like a panicked baby chick, looking frantically around at everyone on the couch, his eyes darting from one person to another. "I guess Santa's not real," he states waiting for our reaction. Big brothers for once in their lives have nothing to say - their always looking for a dig but know if they say a word they have my wrath to deal with and it's so not worth it. "You just have to believe" I repeated several times because he kept saying "He's not real, right?".
Are you freaking kidding me. A company like Walmart is going to put this commercial on at 8:02pm. I worked in advertising eons ago. What the hell are you doing? You're target audience may be a little older, you may not think "Survivor's" a family show - I don't give a shit - you don't put something on with even the remote possibility that a younger child may be watching on a
regular television station that questions Santa's existence.
I was hoping for one more year. One more year of him having the innocence of somewhat believing. I never told the other boys. My response was and still is, "You have to believe". I'm so disappointed in Walmart. Does my youngest truly, truly believe - NO - but he doesn't have to have reminders thrown in his face.
What do you think?
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