Tiger Woods publicist has issued a statement that Tiger was released from the hospital with minor facial lacerations. Glad to hear he's ok. But more importantly? Glad to know I'm not the only one that can't back down a driveway in the dark.
World class athletes are people too,
Friday, November 27, 2009
Reality Sinks In
Heard about Tiger Woods car accident 20 minutes ago on Twitter. The words,
“serious injuries” were used. Made me feel scared. Because? Tiger Woods runs like a perfect machine. He’s athletic, in shape, well-groomed, well-spoken, family guy... seems like he has his shit together and yeah, he’s on a pedestal in my house. This accident makes him seem so normal. And I don’t like it. Heal your wounds Tiger Woods and get back to Mt. Olympus. The other gods are waiting.
(Footnote: read on cnn.com that he suffered facial lacerations and was released... still looking for a complete story with ALL the facts.)
(Footnote: read on cnn.com that he suffered facial lacerations and was released... still looking for a complete story with ALL the facts.)
Thinking good thoughts,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Putting It All in Perspective
Things to Be Thankful For....
Be thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug,
because it means you have enough to eat.
Be thankful for the mess you have to clean up after a party,
because it means you have been surrounded by friends.
Be thankful for the taxes you pay,
because it means you're employed.
Be thankful that your lawn needs mowing and your windows need cleaning and your gutters need fixing, because it means you have a home.
Be thankful for your huge heating bill,
because it means you are warm.
Be thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing,
because it means you have clothes to wear, and your loved ones are nearby.
Be thankful for the space you find at the far end of the parking lot,
because it means you can walk.
Be thankful for the lady who sings off-key behind you in church,
because it means you can hear.
Be thankful for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours,
because it means you're alive.
Be thankful for the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day,
because it means you have been productive.
This Thanksgiving, give thanks for all you have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Greener the Better
My husband picked up our new car yesterday – a Ford Fusion Hybrid. "Hybrid". It makes us feel good just to say that word. I drive around a monster of an SUV and I always think that it’s not practical because of gas prices and global warming. But we love it!! Now – I feel environmentally conscious! The features are unbelievable. It wasn’t outrageously priced, but the computer is great and the car has everything that you need. There’s even a gadget that lets you know how “green” you are depending on your driving – a tree grows leaves the “greener” you drive and leaves fall off when you’re not doing so well. My husband was a trooper – his mid-life crisis was buying an old beat-up jeep. All of my boys loved driving the jeep in the summer, not so much in the winter. He sold the car yesterday, but it went to a good home. It’s a little easier that way. What's really horrifying to think about: this will be the car my children learn to drive on :(
Thanksgiving’s almost here, I need to get ready!
Neurotic Mom
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mom's Monday Morning Kickoff!
"These streets will make you feel brand new/ Bright lights will inspire you/ Let's hear it for New York"
Love this song. Alicia Keys & Jay Z rocking the house at the AMA's. Hope it starts your day happy!
Love this song. Alicia Keys & Jay Z rocking the house at the AMA's. Hope it starts your day happy!
Friday, November 20, 2009
TLC's the Best!
It's the weekend!!
Cake Boss,
Flowers Uncut,
Say Yes to the Dress,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Reebok EasyTone Shoe
I went shopping yesterday and treated myself to two new pairs of sneakers. I haven't bought new sneakers in 3 or 4 years. I think I had "sucker" written across my face. But I want to tell you about one pair that I really like: the Reebok EasyTone shoe. It's supposed to increase muscle activation right where I need some help (butt, back of thighs and calves). I'm actually excited to say that these sneakers are comfortable. And anything that can stimulate muscle action without me putting any effort into it is worth a try!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Movie Time!!!!
Counting down the days to see two movies. "The Blind Side" and "New Moon" come out on Friday and I"m hoping to see both this weekend. My boys are excited about "The Blind Side", not so much "New Moon" (they think it's a chick flick).
Check out each movie!
Check out each movie!
NeuroticMom & TechnoMom
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mom's Monday Morning Kickoff!
The world is just awesome. Have a great week!
(Boom de addah- boom de addah )Friday, November 13, 2009
Pet Peeve of Mine
We all have our pet peeves. Although, I think I speak for everyone when I say, "people who use the Express Line at the grocery store with more than the allotted items are obnoxious!"
I was in a hurry the other day and needed one thing. One thing! When I got to the Express Line I heard the screeching sound of tires in my head. What was going on? There was a woman bagging her groceries and she had a full cart already. I bit my tongue. I couldn’t go anywhere else (all of the other lines were busy). Maybe it was a circumstance where the Express cashier saw that everyone else was busy and this poor woman was waiting, she didn't have any customers of her own, and she told her to come over to Express. I didn’t want to say something just in case it wasn’t the customer’s fault. After waiting five minutes while they finished bagging, my blood pressure was soaring. The woman slowly pulled out her purse to pay - $151 and change. “Let’s go - hurry up” is screaming in my head. What did she do – pay with a check. I almost fell over. To top it all off, she saw the long line now and said, “I didn’t realize this was Express!” I was looking for the camera. It had to be a joke!
Don’t you know when you’re in the Express Line?
Neurotic Mom
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thanksgiving...Where Have You Gone?
I was a little suprised to see the Halloween candy on your shelves in August. But I wasn't shocked.
And when you started hanging your Christmas decor BEFORE Halloween (yes Macy's, I'm talking to you) I laughed out loud. Because Christmas decorations before Halloween are ridiculous. Right?
I guess not.
Not loving holidays shoved in my face before their time,
Poor Thanksgiving. You have fall leaves and pumpkins, you have the cornucopia, you have our beloved turkey... but you don't have much more than that for marketability. You really are the ugly little sister when it comes to holidays. People are polite and smile but they don't want to spend a lot of time with you. (Sorry.)
I know the people over at butterball.com are happy. And the company that makes the canned cranberry? Yeah, they're happy too. And me. I'm happy. I l-o-v-e Thanksgiving. I also l-o-v-e to eat. I appreciate you Thanksgiving. I am going to spend the next 14 days paying homage to your greatness.
(But first I need to run to the mall and pick up an item that is on sale and will make a perfect Christmas present. Sorry.)
Now I'm Hungry,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Why Not?
My oldest son turns 15 tomorrow. WOW! All he wants is a new video game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I hate war games. I think there is something way too addictive about them. Why not play sports games with your friends on XBOX Live? For some reason, they get on XBOX and never do that. Their friends do the same thing. All of these kids come from good homes, work hard, they’re athletes and do well in school. I don't think I can fight it anymore. My husband and I have put some rules in place. The boys are not allowed to play Monday through Friday and on the weekends it is a very limited amount of time. Before these rules - they could sit in my basement for hours and hours! We blamed these games on the kids being fresh or mean to each other. I have to say since we put these restrictions in place, the kids have been great. They don't ask during the week and on the weekends before they can play, they have to ask permission and usually do not fight about the time limits. There may be some negotiations - but nothing too bad. My little one obviously is not allowed to play these games!
I'm on may way out to try and get the requested gift. It came out at midnight. If I can't I'll just fall back to my old faithful, Amazon.com.
Doing the best I can,
I'm on may way out to try and get the requested gift. It came out at midnight. If I can't I'll just fall back to my old faithful, Amazon.com.
Doing the best I can,
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mom's Monday Morning Kickoff!
This video always brings a smile. It also reminds me to enjoy (and make the most of) every moment. Have a great Monday and a great week!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I Can't Believe It!
We are all recovering from the dreaded flu, but what a week! First of all my youngest started on Monday evening with it. I took him in on Tuesday, he was diagnosed and Tamiflu was prescribed. Great. He had many of the symptoms - achiness, headache, sore throat, fever. Predicted recovery time - 3 to 5 days. The problem - my husband recently switched jobs and our new insurance did not kick in yet - from what the pediatrician's office could see on their "magic" computer. Because I am a frequent flyer at the doctor's office, they cut me a break and only charged me my copay. They would bill the insurance company, it would be rejected and they would resubmit to the new insurance company. Our new insurance was effective as of the start date and it will all be worked out "eventually".
I left and went right to the pharmacy and their friggin' computer says the same thing. I need to fill the subscription for the Tamiflu - thinking it is imperative that he have it. Guess what - if you technically don't have insurance, even though you really do, it costs $119.00 for a tiny bottle of Tamiflu. The irony is - we never gave it to him. Within twenty four hours his fever subsided and he spent the next two days with a mild cough, horrible headache and sore throat. The expensive medicine is sitting at the back of my refrigerator.
Fast foward to Thursday afternoon, when my oldest started with his symptoms. I brought him to the doctor's office Friday morning. Check-in, insurance still hasn't kicked in according to their computer. The office manager is lurking around and the same girl at the front desk just wants to charge me the copay. But the office manager who I have never seen before says I have to pay in full and submit it to the insurance company. OK fine - my kid needs to be seen - he can barely stand, he's so weak and dizzy. I gave my credit card at the end of the visit and almost fell over when I signed the bill - $222 for a fifteen minute appoinment with the nurse practitioner (who I absolutely love). I was totally beside myself by the time I got in the car, and I'll be reimbursed! What do people do who don't have insurance? I truly thought the visit would be around $75. I am floored!
I left and went right to the pharmacy and their friggin' computer says the same thing. I need to fill the subscription for the Tamiflu - thinking it is imperative that he have it. Guess what - if you technically don't have insurance, even though you really do, it costs $119.00 for a tiny bottle of Tamiflu. The irony is - we never gave it to him. Within twenty four hours his fever subsided and he spent the next two days with a mild cough, horrible headache and sore throat. The expensive medicine is sitting at the back of my refrigerator.
Fast foward to Thursday afternoon, when my oldest started with his symptoms. I brought him to the doctor's office Friday morning. Check-in, insurance still hasn't kicked in according to their computer. The office manager is lurking around and the same girl at the front desk just wants to charge me the copay. But the office manager who I have never seen before says I have to pay in full and submit it to the insurance company. OK fine - my kid needs to be seen - he can barely stand, he's so weak and dizzy. I gave my credit card at the end of the visit and almost fell over when I signed the bill - $222 for a fifteen minute appoinment with the nurse practitioner (who I absolutely love). I was totally beside myself by the time I got in the car, and I'll be reimbursed! What do people do who don't have insurance? I truly thought the visit would be around $75. I am floored!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Swine Flu. It's Gonna Getcha!
That's right! If you or any of your beloved family members haven't had it yet... you will. Not trying to scare you. Just being honest. NeuroticMom's 10 year old has it, my 39 year old husband has it. I'm no longer afraid of it. I've seen the beast. Now I am prepared to fight. This is my arsenal of weaponry:
- Ginger Ale. This is, hands down, the best thing to drink when you are sick. It's a yummy elixir. (Kind of how I feel about a McDonald's coca-cola for a hangover- but that's another post :)
- Lysol (or Clorox) wipes. As soon as someone is sick in my house I grab my wipes and walk through the house wiping down EVERYTHING. Door knobs, light switches, remotes, appliances, telephones, computers... you get the picture.
- Lysol spray. I follow up with the spray at the end of the day. I've been known to open the desk drawer where we keep all of our pens & pencils and spray in there too. Why not? It's quick, easy & effective.
- Halls Vitamin C drops. These taste so yummy! My kids love them. I keep them in a pretty glass bowl on our kitchen island. The kids always grab one on their way to catch the bus. I don't know how effective it is, but it makes me feel proactive.
- Medical masks. My husband is quarantined to our master bedroom. I won't step foot in there without wearing one of these. Excessive? I think not. The room feels like sickness. I won't dare breathe that air!
- Purell. The kids were using this before the swine flu was a threat. As soon as they walk in from school they Purell. Lord knows what cooties they pick up on that bus!
That's it. My arsenal to fight the flu. It's not 100% effective, but it's all I've got. If you have any other ideas please share!
Fighting the Good Fight,
Canada Dry Ginger Ale,
Halls drops,
swine flu
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Stop the World From Spinning! (My husband is sick)
My husband is sick. Probably the swine flu. He has gone from a no-nonsense, get to the point businessman to this tired, cranky, when-can-I-have-more-Tylenol person in merely an hour.
I've come to the conclusion that men fall into one of two categories when they are sick:
1. The type of man who will never admit to being sick. They never get sick. Too manly to succumb to some silly illness. This man is easy to deal with. Force him to take some meds and try to quarantine him. (Cuz you know he is walking around all stoic-I'm not sick-like, making everyone around him sick).2. The type of man who will admit when he is sick. This man is needy. He needs you to take his temperature, needs you to make him soup. This man wants his wife to become. his. mother.(Horrors).
Beware of the man with "The Man Cold." This video SO makes my point. Enjoy...
I'm no Florence Nightingale,
It's Here - But What is It?

Illness has struck my house. I’m hoping it’s not swine flu. My youngest has a fever, headache, cough and sore throat. He says he feels "whoosy". It has to be strep or the flu.
We need to climb back into bed, relax and watch lots of television. I’m thinking Good Morning America or The Today Show (switching back and forth depending on who’s on), The View, Days of Our Lives, Martha Stewart, HGTV and the first fifteen minutes of Ellen Degeneres– love her! Oh wait that’s my "dream" sick day. I know it will be SpongeBob, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Witches of Waverly Place, and something on demand that he’s seen a bazillion times, etc.
I'll keep you posted.
Hoping everyone’s healthy wherever you are,
We need to climb back into bed, relax and watch lots of television. I’m thinking Good Morning America or The Today Show (switching back and forth depending on who’s on), The View, Days of Our Lives, Martha Stewart, HGTV and the first fifteen minutes of Ellen Degeneres– love her! Oh wait that’s my "dream" sick day. I know it will be SpongeBob, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Witches of Waverly Place, and something on demand that he’s seen a bazillion times, etc.
I'll keep you posted.
Hoping everyone’s healthy wherever you are,
Ellen Degeneres,
Good Morning America,
sick kids,
The Today Show,
The View
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mom's Monday Morning Kickoff!
Thank you to Happy Hour Sue (unbelievably funny blogger) for bringing this video to our attention! It just gets better and better the more you watch it. Have a great Monday!
funny video,
happy hour sue,
mom's day blog,
Monday morning
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Horror
And inevitably all that rain has led to one thing... leftover Halloween candy.
Now we usually have some candy leftover. But this year? An atrocious amount.
We're talking a humongous bowlful of leftover morsels of sugary, chocolaty goodness.
I am the kind of person that generally will never buy a full size candy bar. Too gluttonous.
But since last night when it became abundantly clear that we would have plenty of extra? I have eaten at least ten mini three musketeers. I wonder how many full-size candy bars that equals? At least one, right? Honestly, I do not want to know.
Two things I know: 1. We are perilously close to "holiday season." I do not need one more ounce of sugar or fat in my body before the gluttony of the holidays is upon us.
And, 2. I WANT THIS CANDY OUT OF HERE! (Any takers?)
On a Sugar High,
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